Friday, April 4, 2008

Tuesdays with Morrie

before i read "Tuesdays with Morrie," i had read this book written in Korea before. at that time, i was too young to understand whole things. now i read it again a little bit of the book written in english. it's hard to understand, but i tried to focus on the meaning in the story.
i read the parts of "emotion" and "fear of aging." at the emotion part, Morrie mentioned detachment. if one want to remove some bad feeling, s/he should fully and completely experience the situation. and then the person can say that s/he know what fear is, what love is, etc. something like feelings. generally most of us avoid getting embarrased or nervous or sad because those feelings are hard to be adjusted by us. however, Morrie's approaching was totally different in others'.
in the second part of fear of aging, it has an strong impact on my view of aging. i had thought that "aging" is kind of my phobia. i was afraid of getting old, and i was always evious of younger men. i attempt to change my mind in a way of being optimistic. i can do my job which i should do in my age. i can think what i have to think now. it's very fantastic.

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